Release agents and process chemical specialties

JEC Exhibitor List

JEC Exhibitor List


The following is based on the best information available from JEC on February 22, 2006. "TBD" = To be determined.

01dB-Metravib E 1TER
2 Komponenten Maschinenbau GmbH A42
3M France P38
5M Sro B19
A&P Technology K29
Aachen Composite Engineers L62
Abrasive Technology UK Ltd. R25
Accudyne Systems Inc. A44-C51
Additek SaS E44
Advanced Composites Group P17
AEC Polymers R25BIS
Aero Consultants Ltd. AG N23
Aerofonctions SaS H54-J49
Aeroform France I49
Aeroform Ltd. I49
Aerovac Italy Srl P17
Aerovac Systemes France P17
Aerovac Systems Ltd. P17
Agence Economique de la Savoie C1
AGY Holding Corp. (Advanced Glassfiber Yarns) F27
Ahlstrom Glassfiber Oy F55
Ahlstrom Specialties F22
Airtech Advanced Materials Group N23
Airtech Europe SA N36
Airtech International N36
Albany International Techniweave Inc. M36
Alcan Airex AG G46
Alcan Baltek Corp. G46
Alcan Composites G46
Alcan International Network Italy SpA G46
Alcore Brigantine Q22
Alderley Materials N49
Aluminum Corp. of China R4
AMP - Anjou Maquettes Prototypes L39
Anaglyph Ltd. A34
Anhui Mingxing Fiberglass Co. Ltd. R43
APATECH - Applied Advanced Technology Co. Ltd. TBD
Arkema N7
Armacell F22 & G28
Arnaud F22
Arnaud Ceska Sro F22
Arnaud Polska Spolka SP F22
Arnaud Romania Chemicals F22
Arnaud Slovensko Sro F22
Aspirateurs Industriels CFM N33
Assembly Guidance Systems Inc. R21
Astar SA N53
ATK Space Systems G38
ATMC Industrie D42
Automated Dynamics A44-C51
Autonational BV Q16BIS
Axel Plastics Inc. G35
Axson France L2
Bally Ribbon Mills H53
Barthels Feldhoff GmbH und Co. KG J50
Basaltex B2
Basler Lacke AG M12
Bayer MaterialScience AG N2
BBW - Bildungszentrum Frankfurt (Oder) GmbH D53
Becker France G36
Beijing CNBM International Corp. A40
Belotti SpA N66
Bettcher Industries Inc. L61
Biteam AB R20
Bodycote Materials Testing Ltd. M39
Bolenz & Schaefer/EHA GmbH BSD C26
Bond Laminates GmbH P58
Boytek Recine Boya Ve Kimya San Tic L60
Brandenburg University of Technology D53
Bretagne Composite SA L35
Bryte Technology P37
Buefa Reaktionsharze GmbH & Co. KG H1
Bulleri F1
Busch France Q63
BYK-Chemie GmbH F13
C. Cramer und Co. R29
CA Litzler Co. Inc. A44-C51
Cam Elyaf Sanayii AS L47
Cambium R42
Canadian Plastics Industry Assn. J1
Cannon France N66
Capev A2-A6
Carbon Forge K1
Cavitec AG B6
C-C-T Ltd. N49
Cel Components Srl H54-J49
Celbo SpA P25
Cetex - Chemnitzer
Textilmaschinenentwicklung GmbH F14
Cetim L27
CFK Valley Stade L54
Chalco Shandong Int'l Trading Co. Ltd. R4
Changzhou Changhai GFRP Products Co. Ltd. D22
Changzhou Tianma Group Co. Ltd. B13
Chem-Trend France N56
Chemie Craft J40
Chemlease N56
China Composites Corp. Ltd. G56
Chomarat Composites L1
Cipec Specialties C46
Clariant GmbH L8
Clix Industries G12
CNC Technics Pvt. Ltd. Q8
Cognis Deutschland GmbH und Co. KG C13
Collano AG C2BIS
Collier Research Corp. B21
Collins Fiberglass Plastics Pvt. Ltd. F56
Componeering Inc. R31
Composite Integration Ltd. TBD
Composite Materials Ltd. J35
Compositec C1
Composites IQ H54-J49
Composites Machines Systemes F42
Composites Outillage Service H36
Compotech Plus Ltd. A8
Compotech Plus Svo A8
Comfort Line Inc. C2
Conseil General de la Charente Maritime D42
Corex F34
Corima Modelage Q61
Coriolis Composites Q18
Cornelius Group A14
Courbis K2
CPIC - Fiberglass K10
Cranden Diamond Products Ltd. F42
Crane Composites Inc. A44-C51
Critt Materiaux D42
CT Composites (UK) H54-J49
Curv Composites by BP (div. of Propex Fabrics) B2BIS
Cytec Carbon Fibers LLC F39
Cytec Engineered Materials Ltd. F39
Cytec Surface Specialties SA/NV F33
Dassault Systemes C39
Dedienne Plasturgie C20
Defi 22 Composites D42
Degussa - Creating Essentials F22
Degussa AG Aerosil et Silanes G16
Degussa Initiators N54
Degussa Construction Systemes Europe N54
Degussa Exclusive Synthesis & Catalysts N54
Degussa Rohm GmbH & Co. KG N54
Dekumed Kunststoff und
Maschinenvertrieb GmbH und Co. KG G2
Delcam France C8
Delcam Plc C8
Diamix D3
Diaphorm Technologies LLC A44-C51
Diatex I49
Dicalite Europe F22
Dieffenbacher GmbH & Co. KG L14
Dipex Spol Sro K60
DJP Espace Composites M24
DK Holdings Ltd. P1BIS
Dopag D54
Dow Deutschland GmbH & Co. OHG L10
DR Mirtsch GmbH D53
Du Pont de Nemours International SA L36
Dunstone Company Inc. G57
Dupont Polymer Powders, Switzerland F22
Dupont Toray Co. Ltd. R14
Duqueine Composites M40 B23
e-Xstream Engineering SA H54-J49
EADS Composites Aquitaine Q53
EADS Deutschland GmbH Q53
EADS Military Air Systems Q53
Eastman Chemical G16
ECC GmbH and Co. KG R29
Econcore NV TBD
Eirecomposites Teo M58
El-Bo Composites J55
El-Bo Produktion A/S J55
Elixair International Ltd. N23
Elkom Heizplattentechnik GmbH Q27
Elsevier P66
Emerson & Cuming Composite Materials Inc. M47
Entec Composite Machines Q3
Epo GmbH H39
Epsilon Composite F2BIS
Eram Industrie Q65
ESC - Extended Structured
Composites GmbH und Co. KG H54-J49
Esquim SA F42
Euro Composits - Groupe Etai G3
Euro Plants Srl M64
Eurocarbon BV M28
Euro-Composites SA P32
Euromere D56
European Boatbuilder F43
EVS - Elbit Vision Systems Ltd. D7
Exact Technology Ltd. C6
Expancel F64
Expert International GmbH E27
Farecla Producted Ltd. F42
Federal Express International N68
FiberCote N23
Fiberforge Q69BIS
Fiber-Line International BV R36
Fibertex A/S J51
Fibreforce Composites Ltd. Q1
Fibroline TBD
Fischer GmbH M56
Flemings Textiles Ltd. J3
Flow Europe GmbH D14
Flow France D14
Flugzeug-Union Sud GmbH K27
Foampartner Buettikofer AG H19
Foampartner Frina Mousse France Sarl H19
Foampartner Fritz Nauer AG H19
Foampartner Reisgies Schaumstoffe GmbH H19
Foampartner Swisstex inc. H19
Forest Line Q18
Formes et Outillages G32BIS
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH E19
France Etuves Q65BIS
Fraunhofer Institut fuer Chemische Technologie A2-A6
Fraunhofer IPT L62
Fraunhofer Society, IZM, Polymeric
Materials and Composites D53
Freudenberg L59
FRP Accessories Q8
FRP Institute Q16
FRP Services & Co. China L16
FRP Services & Co. USA L16
FRP Services (Asia) Pty. Ltd. L16
FRP Services (Aust.) Pty. Ltd. L16
FRP Services & Co. UAE L16
FRP Services Europe L16
Galorath Affiliates A20
Gavazzi Tessuti Tecnici SpA J40
Gazechim Composites H31
Genoud Polyester L57
GEPO France Sarl L57
Gerber Technology TBD
Gisco Inc. A44-C51
Glas Craft F42
Glascraft Inc. G39
Gomensoro Quimica SA F22
Gottfired Joos Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG Q27
Graco F1
Grafil Inc. H17
Grafitroniks H15
Graftech International Ltd. Q44BIS
Groupe Mader N72
Gruber Systems Inc. E1
GS Manufacturing - Stopp L61
GTI Process N72
Gusmer Europe SA F1
Halbronn Composite L63
Haltermann Ltd. F22
HEATCON Composite Systems N23
Hebei Jinniu Energy Resources Co. Ltd.
Fiberglass Branch Co. TBD
Hengdian Group Shanghai
Russia & Gold Basalt Fibre Co. Ltd. R30
Henkel Aerospace M30
Herzog August Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG G52
Heuchel Q5
Hexcel F57
Hexion F22
Hexion Specialty Chemicals GmbH H16
High-Performance Composites +
Composites Technology J24
Hightex Verstarkungsstrukturen GmbH F14
Hollingsworth & Vose
Advanced Fiber Nonwovens K49
Hos Technik Vertriebs und Produktions GmbH K23
HPT - High Performance Textiles, F.A. Kuempers J9
Huachang Polymer Co. Ltd. R2
Huber & Grimme R46
Hufschmied Zerspanungssysteme GmbH H54-J49
Huntsman Advanced Materials
(Switzerland) GmbH C56
Hutchinson Pieces de Carrosserie H33
Icotec AG L7
IMA Materialforschung
und Anwendungstechnik GmbH F14
Industrial Dielectrics Ltd. R20
Industrial Olmar SA Q36
Ingenieria Metaloplastica J Bonet SL N62
Ingersoll Machine Tools K15
Innomat GmbH D53
Institut fur Kuntststofftechnik R31
Institut fur Kuntststoffverarbeitung (IKV) L62
Institut fur Leichtbau (ILB) L62
Institut fur Textiltechnik (ITA) L62
Institut fur Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH (IVW) H62
IPS/Weld-On Q42
Isojet Equipement TBD
Isosport Verbundbauteile GmbH E57
Isovolta AG E57
IST Corp. Q45
ITW Plexus E47
Izumi International Inc. E4
J.H. Ziegler GmbH und Co. KG G48
J.H. Vom Baur Sohn GmbH & Co. KG J50
Japan U-Pica Co. Ltd. L16
Jedo Technologies G12
Jet Cut Energie Metal R27
JFC - Tinius Olsen R40
Jiangsu Jiuding New Material Co. H58
Jiaxing Sunny FRP Industries Co. Ltd. R18
Johns Manville J17/J29
Jost Chemicals GmbH G34
JSC Polotsk Steklovolokno P64
Jushi Group Co. Ltd. K47
Kamenny Vek Q2
Kamitsu Seisakusho Ltd. E4
Karl Mayer - Malimo Textilmaschinenfabrik GmbH F14
Kesteco SA D20
Keyser et Mackay France et Cie G16
Kineco Pvt. Ltd. Q8
Kommerling Chimie Sarl N3
Kremlin Rexson F19
Krempel Group - August Krempel Soehne GmbH Q38
Krosglass Ltd. D2BIS
KSL - Keilmann Sondermaschinenbau GmbH G54
Kuempers GmbH & Co. KG J9
Lamiflex SpA Q5
Lankhorst Indutech BV C5
Lantor BV H42
Lanxess Deutschland GmbH C34
Lap GmbH L34
Laser Projection Technologies TBD
Lavesan Srl L41
Le Creneau Industriel Q34
Le Joint Francais H33
Lectra P1
Leda Srl J36
Lehmann & Voss & Co. KG. L56
Liebnitz Institute fur Polymerforsching Dresden F14
Lerc SA Q20
Leuna Harze GmbH F22
Leybold Vacuum France R41
Lightweight Structures BV E2
Limoges Usinage Mecanique D6
Lindau Chemicals C46
Lintex Europe L15
Lintex International Co. Ltd. L15
Liquid Control Ltd. K24
LKT Services R46
Loire Modelage L39
Lola Cars International Ltd. R1
Lola Composites R1
Lonza Ltd. L48
Lord R25BIS
Lucite International L50
Magnum Venus Products F11
Mankiewicz Gebrueder und Co. H59
Marbocote F22
Marte SpA C14
Masters D42
Material SA C26
Materiaux et Techniques H66
Mates Italiana Srl C52
Matrasur Composites F1
Matrice Technology Ltd. N49
M.C. Gill Corp. Q22
McClean Anderson C47
MEA Industries Sarl A26
Measurement Science Group - LCI R12BIS
Mechemco Industries Q8
Menzolit F28
Menzolit Compounds F28
Menzolit-Fibron GmbH F28
Menzolit Ltd. F28
Menzolit Srl F28
Menzolit Vitroplast SL F28
Metachem G16
Metalscan SA D6BIS
MF Tech R35
Michelman G16
Mikrosam K39
Milliken & Co. J54
Mil's I49
Minelco Specialties G16
Ministere du Developement Economique de
l'Innovation et de l'Exportation du Quebec J28
Mitsubishi Chemical Functional Products Inc. E21
Mitsubishi Rayon Co. Ltd. H17
Morex Petrochem Ltd. R16
MSC.Software B15
MT Aerospace AG B12
Mulder-Hardenberg GmbH C7
MVC Componentes Plasticos Ltd. N30
Nanjing Dingding Building Material Co. Ltd. N70
Nanjing Jianhui Composites Material Co. Ltd. D28
Nanjing Tongteng FRP Co. Ltd. C11
Nanjing Xingya FRP Co. Ltd. R43
Nanoledge H54-J49
Nanoresins AG A14 & F22
Nantong Beautiful & Strong
Composite Material Co. Ltd. H37
Nantong Mincom Composites Materials Co. Ltd. E5
Nantong Power Plastic and Rubber Co. Ltd. J59
National Aerospace Laboratory NLR Q47
NCS Resins F56
NDT Expert M35
NDT Solutions Ltd. M62
Nederman J56 N29
Newcastle University Center for Railway ResearchH54-J49
Newport Adhesives & Comosites H17
Nida Core Corp. K53
Nidaplast Honeycombs F47
Nief Plastic Q6
Nippon Graphite Fiber Corp. K14
Nitto-Boseki Co. Ltd. L16
Norac Andos AB J2
Norac Inc. J2
Nord Composites F46
Noveon N43
NV Flocart B2
Nusil Technology Europe J34
OMFA Sro P44
Owens Corning Q7
Oxeon AB R20BIS
Ozella SpA, FTS Division H56
Panini Srl H8
Parabeam BV C27
Parco F1
P-D Glasseiden GmbH Oschatz E39
P-D Interglas Technologies AG E39
Pergan GmbH B7
Permali Composites SA C28
PGI - Polymer Group F22
PGI/Nordlys C48
Phoenix Equipment Co. H54-J49
Phoenixx TPC Inc. A44-C51
Picanol H4
Piercan SA Q40
Pinette Emidecau Industries B14
Plascore GmbH & Co. KG C12
Plascore Inc. C12
Plastech Thermoset Tectonics Ltd. K56
Plasticolors Inc. F64
Plasticon Europe R11
Plastipolis TBD
PMIC - Precision Measurements & Instruments Corp. E7
Pole de Plasturgie de l'Est Q32
Poliya L23
Poly 3 Srl D34
Polychem Resins International Industries LLC H43
Polymer Latex G16
Polymir Groupe Ciron TBD
Polystrand TBD
Polyworx R43BIS
Pomtava SA Q69
Porcher Industries H9
PPG Industries Fiber Glass Europe F36
Presma F1
Prochimir C42
Protechnic R6
PSC Inc. A44-C51
Pultrex Ltd. C2
Pyromeral Systems Q28
Queen Mary University of London N49
Quickstep Technologies Pty. Ltd. E63
R&G Composite Technology GmbH G32
Radius Engineering TBD
Ranger Group P15
Regina Fiberglass Pty. Ltd. L16
Reliant Machinery P29
Resoltech Sarl TBD
Respecta Maschinenbau GmbH G3
Rexco Mold Care Products A44-C51
Richmond Aircraft Products Inc. P17
Rieter H51
RJTC (France) R31
Robuso Stahlwarenfabrik Buntenbach & Sohn GmbH G5
RocTool SaS L28
Roechling Engineering Plastics KG C28
Rohm and Haas Electronic Materials M41
Rossow Industries F64
RS Technologies C45
Ruag Aerospace Q41
Sachtleben Chemie GmbH F22
Sadac K4
Saertex GmbH & Co. KG J10
Safas Corp. F46
Saint Gobain Quartz SaS L40
Saint Gobain Quartz USA L40
Saint Gobain SYNCOGLAS C41
Saint Gobain Vetrotex International C41
Saitec P61
Salome Rokona K35
Samtech France B27
Saxony Economic Develpment Corp. F14
Schappe Techniques K1
Schill & Seilacher GmbH G16
Schmidt & Heinzmann GmbH und Co. KG N34
Scholz Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG P32
Schuetz GmbH & Co. KG L29
Scott & Fyfe Ltd. J3
Seal SpA Q21
Sefar AG Q20BIS
Sefar Fyltis Q20BIS
SF 3M Q61
SGL Technologies GmbH H40
Shanghai Saige Composite Materials Co. Ltd. R8
Sichuan Weibo New Material Group Co. Ltd. P6
Sicomin L21
Sigmatex UK Ltd. J30
Sika Deutschland GmbH N21
Siltex F22
Sinoma Science and Technology Co. Ltd. P59
Sintex Industries Ltd. B33
SL Laser France Sarl Q24
Snecma Propulsion Solide Groupe Safran L42
Society of Plastic Engineers (SPE) J58
Socomor H54-J49
Soficar SA F2
Solvay Advanced Polymers N42
Sonatest Plc M62
Sora Composites Q33
Sovitec Q32
SP F12
Speciality Materials Inc. D1
Specialty Rondot Inc. TBD
Spheretex GmbH L58
Steinbach AG H54-J49
Stepan Company Q44
Strongwell A44/C51
Structil (Groupe SNPE) M2
Structiso K53
Sudaglass - Slavuta Fiber Technology Inc. L64
Sumitomo Corporation Europe Plc E21
Sumitomo France SA Q45
Swancor Ind. Co. Ltd. M14
Symbion NV K62
Synteen & Lueckenhaus Textil Technologie GmbH K40
Synthesia G16
Taishan Fiberglass Inc. B5
Taiwan Electric Insulator Co. Ltd. TBD
Taiwan Glass Ind. Corp. L16
Tajima GmbH C40
Targlass Srl K47
Techforce Composites Pvt. Ltd. Q8
Techni-Lin F66
Technical Fibre Products Ltd. F1BIS
Technika Plastika SA TBD
Technische Universitat Dresden/ILK F14
TechnoBasalt, Slavuta Roofing Felt Plant R34
Teijin Twaron BV G47
Teleteks AS TBD
Telene SaS B29
Ten Cate Advanced Composites P37
Tensyl D42
Tepceit Sarl TBD
Terruzzi Fercalx SpA M10
Tetra Dur/BMC Inc. H55
Texglass Manufacturing Pty. ltd. F56
Teximpianti SpA E11
Texkimp Ltd. D2TER
TFP - Technical Fibre products F22
The Composites Processing Assn. Ltd. N49
The Plastics Export Promotion Council Q8
Think Composites Aquitaine A2-A6
Think Composites Europe A2-A6
Thueringisches Institut fuer Textil
und Kunststoff Forschung EV A2-A6
Thyssenkrupp Materials France L30
Thyssenkrupp VDM GmbH L30
Tissa Composites C19
Toho Tenax Europe GmbH F54
Top Glass SpA L24
Toray Industries, Advanced Composite Materials Div. F2
TR Industries TBD
Trade & Investment South Africa, a div.
of the Dept. of Trade of Industry F56
Tradex Colori F22
Twistechnology D8
TYGAVAC Advanced Materials Ltd. N36
Ube Industries Ltd. M33
Undesa - Union Derivan F22
Unique Textiles Spol Sro B19
Univar L59
University of Delaware A44-C51
University of Perugia A2-A6
University of Technology Dresen,
Institiute of Power Engineering F14
U.S. Commerical Service - U.S. Embassy, Paris A44-C51
Valmold B14
VDS - Vente Directe Service Q27
Veneziani SpA N51
Via Mare - By Sea, GBP Editirce Srl F41
Victrex Europe J31
Virtek Vision International Inc. N23 & Q35
Vivian Regina Marketing (Pty.) Ltd. F56
VN Composites K33
Volkmann Zweigniederlassung
der Saurer GmbH und Co. KG D2
Von Roll Isola France N17
Von Roll Isola GmbH N17
Voetsch Industrietechnik E19
Walter Maeder AG/Bereich Kunetharze AG N72
Wessex Resins & Adhesives Ltd. E33
Wolfangel GmbH D26
Xamax Industries Inc. R32
Zhe Jiang Jiashan Glass Fiber Weaving Factory H61
Z-Laser Optoelektronik GmbH TBD
Zoltek Europe GmbH Q3
Zuend Systemtechnik AG H15
Zyvax Inc. C43
Compression Molding
Ad showing Janicki CNC Mill machining part in tool
Composites One
Park Aerospace Corp.
Wickert Hydraulic Presses
Release agents and process chemical specialties
HEATCON Composite Systems
Eliminate Quality Escapes  With LASERVISION AI

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