
Composites industry activity continued to contract faster in June

Composites Fabricating’s second month of contraction, also reflected in other industry segments, suggests larger factors are at play.  

Jan Schafer
Director of Market Research

Composites industry GBI stayed the course in February

The GBI: Composites Fabricating contracted in February to the same degree as January, maintaining its position in a contraction zone.

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Composites industry activity stayed steady in January

The GBI: Composites Fabricating contracted in January to about the same degree it did in December, representing a move in the right direction.

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Composites industry gained back some ground in December

The GBI: Composites Fabricating contracted a little more slowly in December, landing between August and September 2023 values.

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Composites industry heads into slightly accelerated contraction in November

The GBI: Composites Fabricating in November continued its general slow-going path of contraction that began in April 2023.

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Composites industry saw stabilized contraction in October

The GBI: Composites Fabricating index has contracted for the seventh month in a row, with one notable change in component activity.

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Composites activity returned with accelerated contraction in September

The GBI: Composites contracted faster again in September, closing down 1.6 points to 45.9, the lowest the index has been in more than 2 years.   

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Composites GBI shows faster activity contraction

The total index reading backed down in May from its anticipated expansion, contracting again to land at 46.8.

Jan Schafer
Director of Market Research

Contraction in composites industry activity slowed in August

The GBI: Composites contracted again in August, but closed up 1.1 points from July, ending 5 straight months of a downward trend.   

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Composites industry GBI contracted faster in July

The GBI: Composites maintains its consistent downward trend for the fifth month in a row.

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Composites GBI lost a little ground in June

The GBI: Composites has contracted since April, just barely remaining within a two-point range of 50.      

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Composites GBI remains relatively unchanged in May

The GBI: Composites closed May at the same reading reported in April, with some minor fluctuations in component activity.

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GBI: Composites Fabricating contracted in April

The Gardner Business Index closed April down 1.1 points, continuing its journey from expansion in February, to flat in March and ultimately contracting in April.

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Composites industry index was flat for March

The GBI: Composites Fabricating closed March flat, losing 1.3 of the 3.1 points gained in February.

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GBI activity knocks at the door of expansion in April

While the Composites Fabricating index still contracted in April, it continues to close in on a reading of 50, which indicates expansion.  

Jan Schafer
Director of Market Research

Composites industry index ends February in growth mode

The GBI: Composites Fabricating closed February at the same level it was in November 2022, right before experiencing a rare two months of contraction.

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Composites Index shows little change in January

The GBI: Composites Fabricating closed January at around the same contractionary reading in December, with a majority of components following suit.

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Demand components lead to composites GBI contraction

For the first time in two years, the Composites Fabricating Index has contracted, though components continue to shift between expanding and contracting activity.    

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Composites Index rebounds in November

The GBI: Composites Fabricating closed November up nearly two points, registering expanding activity versus October’s close call with contraction.  

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Composites GBI is headed toward contraction

The GBI: Composites Fabricating in October continued its deceleration trend, though it fared better than most of the manufacturing industry.

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GBI: Composites Fabricating approaches contraction in September

The GBI: Composites Fabricating closed September on the verge of “flat,” a reading the Index has not seen in two years.

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Composites industry activity meaningfully slowed contraction in March

The GBI: Composites Fabricating still contracted in March, though it landed just one point shy of 50, which could eventually lead it into expansion territory.

Jan Schafer
Director of Market Research

Composites industry GBI holds its own in August

The GBI: Composites Fabricating ended August with slowed expansion but managed to stay above water, with all component indices continuing to show slowed rates of growth.

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Composites industry perpetuates deceleration trend into July

The Composites Fabricating Index continues to experience slowed growth in a majority of its components, inching closer to a reading of “50.”

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Composites industry continues early 2022 trends into June

As in May, a majority of the components in the Gardner Business Index (GBI): Composites Fabricating continue movement into slowed expansionary growth.

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Composites industry continues slowing expansion trend

The composites GBI “plays it again” in May at 56.7, mostly following the trend of slowing component expansion, though employment is an exception.

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Composites Index experiences fluctuating expansion

The GBI: Composites Fabricating continues to shift between accelerated and slowed expansion in short periods of time, but not enough to anticipate risk of contraction.

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Composites industry continues 2022 upswing

The Gardner Business Index closed March out at 61.4, with production activity continuing to persist despite some restraints caused by supplier delivery and employment components.

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