North America’s Premier Molding and Moldmaking Event

Material Characterization Along the CFRP Manufacturing Process

November 30, 2017 |

Presented By:

Knowledge of the curing behavior of a thermosetting resin during composite processing is – along with the layup – the key for the setup and optimization of manufacturing. 

This webinar presents the entire story of material characterization along the process workflow that is necessary to predict the cure of a thermosetting resin: we start off with a simulation of the process based on kinetic studies; in a second step we will look at real-time in-process cure characterization; finally we validate the process taking into account the residual cure as well as the glass-transition temperature of our composite part. 

You will get an overview about how to use thermal analysis methods and how this will add value to your process and the performance of the final CFRP part. 

Primary Topics: 
- How can cure kinetics help to optimize manufacturing? 
- Is there an opportunity to follow curing inside a mold? 
- How to do post-process or process-attendant quality assurance? 
- Combination of different methods for the entire production 

Presenter: Alexander Chaloupka 
Alexander Chaloupka studied physics at the University of Augsburg and was working at the Application Center for Material and Environmental research. From 2013 on he was working at the branch Functional Lightweight Design of the Fraunhofer Institute of Chemical Technology ICT (now Fraunhofer IGCV) and was responsible for thermophysical analysis. There he started his Ph.D in dielectric analysis. In 2016 he joined Netzsch-Gerätebau as R&D project engineer in the field of the DEA288 and operates in the business field management polymer.

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North America’s Premier Molding and Moldmaking Event