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Persico Group advances SMART rotomolding cell automation

SMART technology, used for the production of structural and soluble thermoplastic cores, integrates robotics, direct tool heating.


Persico SMART machine. Source (All Images) | Persico Group

Persico Group (Lombardia, Italy), an engineering company that manufactures molds, presses and automated systems for various industries, introduced SMART rotomolding in 2013 for the production of hollow composite core. A compact molding cell requiring minimum production space, the company has since advanced the system’s automation, providing direct tooling heating (DTH) capabilities to heat molds directly, producing a wide range of items — including coatings and removable shells for composite products — with efficiency and precision.

SMART technology is designed as a compact, clean, and safe production cell, optimizing energy and material use. The production process can be fully automated by integrating one or more machines with anthropomorphic robots, enabling a seamless operation. These automated cells are capable of performing various tasks such as powder loading, insert loading, release agent spraying, automated molding cycles and product discharge. As a result, this rotational technology is reported to deliver high production rates, significant cost savings, reduced labor requirements and a rapid return on investment.

Water-soluable core (left) and the final composite part (right).

Water-soluable core (left) and the final composite part (right).

Unlike conventional rotational molding processes, the system features a minimal footprint and uses electric heating (instead of gas) elements that are incorporated into the surface of the mold. SMART is equipped with up to 48 independent electric heating zones, each with precise temperature monitoring and control. Additionally, SMART enables comprehensive control over internal temperature, pressure, vacuum, inert atmospheres and internal cooling, making it possible to process a wide variety of materials into complex end products.

SMART technology also provides shorter, more repeatable cycles; reduced rejects; maximum heat transfer efficiency; more precise control of wall thicknesses; and high-quality component production.

The company is also known for its symmetrical and asymmetrical hollow cores, provided in a variety of smooth or textured finishes from a range of thermoplastics for use in sandwich panel constructions (read: “Rotomolded cores: New options for sandwich composites”). 

This post is courtesy of the CompositesWorld and AZL Aachen GmbH media partnership.

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