North America’s Premier Molding and Moldmaking Event
composite bracket Source: Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Albany

Enhancements of Thermoplastic Composites for Multifunctional Applications

November 10, 2022 |

Take advantage of the strengths of multiple composite fabrication processes to reduce metal in aerospace structures.

Automated fiber placement (AFP) is a versatile process that allows for a large diversity of composite structures. However, there are types of structures that are more difficult to produce using this method. Trelleborg has been combining in-situ thermoplastics fiber placement with other composite fabrication techniques to take full advantage of the strengths of both processes. This webinar will cover some of their latest developments in aerospace.


  • Integrating metallics in a thermoplastic prepreg to add EMI shielding and lightning strike protection
  • Using methods such as overmolding and overwinding to create enhanced structures
  • Taking advantage of the strengths of multiple composite fabrication processes to reduce metal in aerospace structures

Presenter 1:

Gabriel Benarroch

Product Sales Engineer

Gabriel Benarroch is a product sales engineer at Trelleborg Sealing Solutions in Albany. He has a dual bachelor’s degree in aeronautical engineering and mechanical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He has six years of experience at Trelleborg working with aerospace customers on novel automated fiber placement applications.

Presenter 2:

John Michasiow

Mechanical Design Engineer

A program manager with Trelleborg Sealing Solutions since 2004, John Michasiow is responsible for engineering and project management, encompassing development and fabrication of defense, aerospace and commercial applications in composite technologies.

All content on this page is provided by the presenting company.

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