Pressure Vessels


JEC COMPOSITES Show highlights

The annual gathering in Paris reflects the industry’s confidence that the market’s global growth will continue.

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Market Trends: This industry is ready to explode

I recently was invited to speak at the COMPOSITESWORLD Carbon Fiber Conference, held Dec. 5–7, 2007, in Washington, D.C. As usual it was a successful gathering of fiber manufacturers and users. As a consultant to the composites industry, I’ve tracked carbon fiber supply and demand for years. Some of you might remember

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From the Publisher - 3/1/2008

I just attended COMPOSITESWORLD’s first Composites Industry Financial Forum (CIF) in New York City, where composites industry, M&A and banking specialists and a Merrill Lynch analyst — in a show of notable accord — agreed that we will see unprecedented opportunities for growth in the use of composites during the

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Dust Collection: Expense or Investment?

Well-engineered dust control systems not only improve shop air quality but also boost productivity, prolong machine life and save energy.

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From The Publisher - 1/1/2008

COMPOSITESWORLD’s Carbon Fiber 2007 conference in Washington, D.C. (Dec. 5-7, 2007) was very successful, both in attendance and in the quality of the speakers, bearing out our optimism when we asked Scott Stephenson and Ralph Jessie to join forces with High-Performance Composites and Composites Technology. The

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Carbon Fiber 2007 looks forward with optimism

As high demand confronts a still limited supply, industry insiders and analysts meet to assess carbon fiber’s future and review emerging applications.

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Pressure Vessels

Revised energy bill signed by President Bush leaves out PTC

The 2007 energy bill increases vehicle fuel economy standards but does not include a wind energy production tax credit (PTC).

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Composites Polycon 2007 Showcase

Tampa show attendance is up despite slow economy. ACMA reschedules 2008 show.

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A multitude of markets - 11/1/2007

The overall outlook for the composites industry remains healthy, driven by developments in the commercial aircraft market - the advent of Boeing's 787 and Airbus Industrie's (Toulouse, France) A380, the future arrivals of the Airbus A400M military transport and its mid-sized A350 XWB, and a host of general aviation

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Coast-Line Intl
Carbon Fiber 2024
NewStar Adhesives - Nautical Adhesives
TFP is now James Cropper
Zund Digital Cutting Performance
Airtech International Inc.