Pressure Vessels

JEC Composites 2006 Sampe Europe preview

JEC expands its Paris Expo exhibit space as SAMPE Europe settles in to new conference facilities at nearby Hotel Mercure.

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New Growth Demands Careful Planning

D.J. DeLong has been involved in the manufacture and sales of carbon fibers for 18 years. Formerly general manager of BP Amoco's carbon fiber business, he's currently president of DeLong and Associates LLC (Atlanta, Ga.) In October 2005, I had the pleasure of co-chairing the Intertech 2005 Global Outlook for Carbon

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Show Coverage: Composites 2005

The American Composites Manufacturers Assn. presents its largest-ever trade event in the heart of composites country.

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Composite tidal turbine to harness ocean energy

Glass, carbon composites are the materials of choice for system that harvests energy from tidal currents.

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December 2005 Editorial

Composites Technology sponsored the SPE Automotive Division's 35th Annual Innovation Awards in November. SPE hosted more than 800 guests (some in tuxedos and evening gowns) from all sectors of automotive plastics. It truly was an elegant event. One of our contributing writers, Dale Brosius, was on the 20-member Blue

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Tough 3-D Panel Process Combines Technologies

Automated process produces impact-resistant panels for transportation and other applications.

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November Editorial

Since September, the High-Performance Composites staff has attended RP Asia, China Composites, the SPE Automotive Conference, the CMOO Offshore Oil Conference, ACMA's COMPOSITES 2005, IBEX, the Intertech Carbon Fiber Conference and the SAMPE Tech Conference. Business, from airplanes to boats, is booming, with few

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Editorial - 9/1/2005

I haven't seen this much activity and interest in the composites industry since the early '90s … and then, it was based almost solely upon aerospace, primarily in the military. We look back on it as a bubble we all knew had to burst, since neither sky-high military budgets nor the "lightweight at any cost" attitude

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Unsung industrial apps with untapped potential

Carl Zweben, a consultant on composites and advanced thermal management materials, was previously advanced technology manager and division Fellow at the former GE Astro Space (Valley Forge, Pa.). He is a Fellow of ASME, ASM and SAMPE, and an Associate Fellow of AIAA. He has over 35 years of experience in the

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SAMPE Europe/JEC Composites 2005

Advanced materials reap rewards, enter new arenas of application in annual Parisian showcase.

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