Composites One - Distributor

SAMPE 2011 Long Beach Exhibitor List

This SAMPE 2011 Exhibitor List is accompanied by a feature-article preview and a brief description of SAMPE show-related events, listed at top right under "Editor's Picks."


The following is the Exhibitor List for SAMPE 2011. To locate exhibitors on the SAMPE show floor, see the show floor map at right.

Company Name    Booth #
2Phase Technologies    652
3M Aerospace    1111
A&P Technology    1321
A.B. Carter Inc.    739
AAR Precision Systems    548
ABARIS Training    922
Accudyne Engineering & Equipment Co.    941
ACE-Anaglyph    931
Adhesive Packaging Specialties Inc.    834
Advanced Ceramics Manufacturing    626
Advanced Composite Products and Technology Inc    1610
Advanced Composites Group Inc. (ACG)    911
Advanced Composites Inc.    742
Advanced Integration    1334
AFRL/RX    829
AGY    643
Airstar Inc.    1254
Airtech International Inc.    1305
Akron Polymer Systems Inc.    620
AKSA Carbon Fibers    1141
Alpha STAR Corporation    534
Alpha Technologies Services LLC    535
Altair Engineering    1545
American GFM Corporation    961
Anton Paar USA    1608
Apex Machine Tool Company    1530
Applied Aerospace Structures Corporation    1543
Aramicore Composite Co. Ltd.    637
Archer Daniels Midland    632
Arkema Inc.    736
ASC Process Systems    721
Assembly Guidance Systems Inc.    651
Automated Dynamics    1048
Axiom Materials Inc.    1054
BAE Systems    1357
Bedford Reinforced Plastics    827
BigC: Dino-Lite Scopes    1061
Bondline Products    916
Bondtech Corporation    1417
Brenner Aerostructures    1232
Breton SpA    1240
BriskHeat Corporation    1538
Bron Aerotech Inc.    942
Burnham Composite Structures Inc.    1215
C.A. Litzler Co. Inc.    1021
C.R. Onsrud Inc.    1343
Carl Zeiss MicroImaging LLC    1521
CASS Polymers of Michigan Inc.    252
CGTech    437
Cincinnati Testing Laboratories    817
Click Bond Inc.    1028
CMS North America Inc.    1131
Cobham    1249
Collier Research Corporation    1434
Composite Fabrics of America    1052
Composite Technical Services LLC    634
Composites Atlantic Limited    852
Composites Horizons Inc./Texstars Corporation    1030
Composites One    826
Composites Training Center - Cerritos College    1631
CompuDAS    1649
Conductive Composites Company    1252
Continental Diamond Tool    244
Coriolis Composites SAS    749
Cornerstone Research Group Inc.    1327
Correlated Solutions Inc.    1451
CPS Technologies Corp.    1153
Creaform    954
CTS Composites Inc.    951
Cuming Microwave    1256
Cytec Engineered Materials Inc.    1156
Dantec Dynamics Inc.    1551
Dassault Systemes Americas Corp.    543
David H. Sutherland & Co.    1121
DCM Clean-Air Products Inc.    432
De-Comp Composites Inc.    1140
DEKUMED    937
Delsen Testing Laboratories Inc.    1217
DelStar Technologies Inc.    1413
Despatch Industries    1259
Dexmet Corporation    845
DIAB Sales Inc.    1059
Directed MFG    731
Diversified Machine Systems Inc.    1641
DSM Dyneema    848
Dunstone Company Inc.    1316
Dynamic Fabrication Inc.    1460
E.T. Horn Company    1621
E.V. Roberts    1034
Eastman Machine Co.    921
Eeonyx Corporation    340
EHA Spezialmaschinenbau GmbH    338
Elantas PDG Inc.    1548
Electro-Tech Machining    1448
Endurance Technologies Inc.    1328
Euro-Composites Corp.    821
Evonik    1049
EXAKT Technologies Inc.    1534
Exova OCM    1023
e-Xstream engineering LLC    1040
Fabric Development    920
Fatigue Technology    1560
Ferry Industries Inc.    552
Fiberforge Corporation    528
Fiber-Line Inc    1526
Finish Kare Products Inc.    1243
Firehole Technologies Inc.    1627
FlackTek Inc.    838
Flight Safety International    1314
FLIR Systems    1606
Freeman Manufacturing & Supply Co.    440
Geiss LLC    624
General Plastics Manufacturing Co.    1116
Genesis Systems Group    349
Gerber Technology    1221
GKN Aerospace    926
Global Silicones Inc.    1508
Graco Supply & Intergrated Services    744
Gunnar USA Inc.    443
Hawkeye International Ltd.    1300
HEATCON Composite Systems    1405
Helman Tensioners Inc.    1340
Henkel Corporation    1011
Hexcel Corporation    1421
Hi-Performance Products Inc.    449
Hitco Carbon Composites Inc.    743
Hollingsworth & Vose Co.    1356
HOS-Technik GmbH    1129
Huntsman Advanced Materials    1209
Idex Solutions    1261
IEST Co. Ltd.    622
IKONICS    1609
Imperium Inc.    1528
Industrial Summit Technology Corp.    1239
Ingersoll Machine Tools Inc.    544
Innovative Composite Engineering (ICE)    1427
Integrated Technologies Inc. - INTEC    1411
Intertek    1510
iPhoton Solutions    1143
ITT    1315
Izumi International Inc.    1504
J.D. Lincoln    911
Janicki Industries Inc.    833
JEC    1557
JPS Composite Materials    914
KAMAN Composites    442
Kaneka Texas Corp.    1032
KEYENCE Corporation    1415
KNF FLEXPAK Corporation    1344
Knowlton Technologies LLC    1248
LAP Laser LLC    938
Laser Technology Inc.    812
Lectra    1531
Lewco Inc.    751
Lewcott Corp.    738
Lingol Corp.    1461
Lintech International LLC    1228
LMT Onsrud LP    1338
Lucas Industries    251
Luna Innovations    836
M.C. Gill Corporation    930
Magestic Systems Inc.    350
Magnolia Plastics Inc.    933
Magnum Venus Plastech    853
Manufacturers Supplies Co.    1539
Marathon Heater, Inc.    533
Matec Instrument Companies Inc.    1139
Matrix Composites Inc.    1527
Maverick Corporation    627
McGill AirPressure LLC    441
McLube Div. of McGee Industries Inc.    645
MECNOV    641
Melco Steel Inc.    753
Microtek Laboratories    1154
Miki Sangyo USA Inc.    1245
Miller-Stephenson Chemical    949
MISTRAS Group Inc.    819
Mitsubishi Plastics Composites America Inc.    1645
Mondi Akrosil LLC    1512
MTS Systems Corp.    1552
Myers Engineering Inc    740
Nammo Composite Solutions    1435
NanoSperse LLC    627
National Aerospace Supply Co.    343
National Diamond Lab    439
National Research Council Canada    1257
NDT Solutions Inc. (NDTS)    348
Newport Adhesives and Composites    1234
Nida-Core Corporation    843
Nippon Graphite Fiber    927
North Coast Companies    1549
NuSil Technology    1017
OEM Press Systems Inc.    1019
Olympus    1505
Osai USA, CNC & Automation Controls    1358
Oxeon Inc.    953
Pacific Coast Composites    1642
Parabeam BV    1361
Paragon D&E    1509
Park Electrochemical Corp    549
Parpas America Corp    1159
Pathfinder Australia Pty. Ltd.    539
Patz Materials & Technologies    1036
PCM Innovation    956
Pepin Associates Inc    .1160
Piercan USA    1235
Pinette Emidecau Industries    1540
Plascore Inc.    540
Precision Measurements & Instruments Corp.    1226
Precision Quincy Corp.    835
Prospect Mold    1529
Pyromeral Systems    944
Qingdao Fundchem Co. Ltd.    1229
Quantum Composites    1233
Quartus Engineering Inc.    1536
Quatro Composites    635
RAMPF Group    861
Renegade Materials Corp.    627
Reno Machine Co. Inc.    1443
Revchem Composites Inc.    737
Richmond Aircraft Products Inc.    911
RT Instruments Inc.    451
Rubbercraft    733
Saertex USA LLC    1220
Saint Gobain Technical Fabrics    1439
SAMPE    1635
Sandvik Process Systems    857
Schlumpf USA Inc.    1241
SCRA    1431
SDI/Talon Test Laboratories Inc.    955
Sealant Equipment & Engineering Inc.    1400
Seifert and Skinner & Associates Inc.    952
Sensitech Inc.    1231
Sigmatex    1615
SL Laser Systems LP    1437
Smart Tooling    1330
Solid Concepts Inc.    1517
Solvay Advanced Polymers    1456
Southland Polymers Inc.    735
Specialty Materials Inc.    1244
SP-High Modulus, the Marine Business of Gurit    1513
StateMix Ltd.    1433
Stepan Company    1409
Stiles Machinery Inc.    1553
Stratasys Inc.    1144
Super Resin    1237
Surface Generation America    1449
Swift Engineering Inc.    849
SWORL div. of Prairie Technology    1605
Synasia Inc.    1432
TA Instruments    1055
Taricco Corporation    1149
TCR Composites    1604
TE Wire & Cable    1230
Technical Fibre Products (TFP Inc.)    1333
Technology Marketing Inc    939
TenCate Advanced Composites USA    1027
Textile Products Inc.    918
The University of Southern Mississippi    1041
The Warm Company    1258
Thermal Wave Imaging Inc.    1326
Thermwood Corporation    1042
Thinky USA Inc.    630
Ticona Engineering Polymers    727
Tinius Olsen    242
Tiodize Co. Inc.    1648
TMP - Technical Machine Products Inc.    253
Toho Tenax America    1043
Tokuden Inc.    1614
Torr Technologies Inc    1407
Torrey Hills Technologies, Inc.    1238
Touchstone Research Laboratory Ltd.    1227
Trelleborg Offshore Boston Inc.    1626
Trilion Quality Systems    1556
Tri-Mack Plastics Manufacturing Corp.    1511
TSC LLC - The Spaceship Company    752
UBE America Inc.    716
Ultracor    654
United Testing Systems Inc.    250
University of Dayton Research Institute    627
Upland Fab Inc.    1145
Utah    1035
Venango Machine Company    531
Verisurf Software Inc.    1633
Vermont Composites Inc.    934
Victrex USA Inc.    830
VISTAGY Inc.    1339
VMS Aircraft Co. Inc.    1515
Wabash MPI    734
Wacker Chemical Corp.    436
Walton Process Technologies Inc.    1359
Waukesha Foundry Inc.    1532
Wausau Paper    741
Web Industries    1514
Weber Manufacturing Technologies Inc.    839
West Virginia Development Office    536
Westminster Solutions (aka Westminster Tool Inc.)    1151
WichiTech Industries Inc.    750
Windsys Solutions LLC    937
Wisconsin Oven Corp.    1450
Wolff Industries Inc.    1613
XG Sciences Inc.    1057
Zotefoams Inc.    1457
Zyvax Inc.    1122

Park Aerospace Corp.
Compsoite and Metallic tooling, parts, assemblies
Collier Aerospace's HyperX Users Conference 2025
High-Density Urethane (HDU) boards
Wickert Hydraulic Presses
Composites One - distributor
PRO-SET Laminating Epoxies
Industrial CNC Routers

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Composites One - distributor