Sustainability means different things to different companies. But, Markus Beer of Forward Engineering finds there is a universal need to take a holistic approach to sustainable product development, especially in the automotive and aerospace industries.
In his presentation at “CW Tech Days: Sustainability,” Beer discussed the importance of life cycle assessment (LCA) and circularity in reducing carbon emissions and complying with sustainability targets. He highlighted factors that can influence the accuracy of life cycle assessments, such as database quality and allocation methods, and stressed the need for a system-level LCA to compare apples to apples.
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Ready to take sustainability a step further?
View five additional presentations from “CW Tech Days: Sustainability.” Access here.
Topics include:
- Enabling circular use of carbon fibre using fibre alignment technology
- Speaker: Lourens Blok, Lineat Composites
- Eco-designing innovative products with recycled carbon fiber
- Speaker: Antoine de Turckheim, Fairmat
- Conversion of plant-based feedstocks into acrylonitrile
- Speaker: Corey Tyree, Trillium Renewable Chemicals
- Biomaterials in Sustainable Composites
- Speaker: Joe Luttwak, Lingrove
- New Technologies for Bio-Based and Recyclable Thermoset Manufacturing
- Speaker: Ian Klein, Spero Renewables