Carbon Fiber 2024

Belzona coatings expand composite leading edge protection, lifespan

Belzona highlights the use of Belzona 5711 and 5721 to extend the lifespan of 42 wind turbine blades in Denmark facing severe erosion.



Leading edge protection of wind turbine blade using polymeric technology. Source | Belzona Inc.

As wind power continues to play a critical role in the transition to net zero, Belzona (Harrogate, U.K.) highlights a polymeric protectant solution to extend the lifespan of wind turbines, exhibited on an offshore windfarm in Denmark.

In order to achieve net-zero by 2050, Climate Action Tracker states in a 2023 report, “Wind and solar sources in electricity generation will need to reach 57-78% by 2030, and 79-96% by 2050.” In 2022, this figure sat at 12%. Therefore, a scale-up of these industries is anticipated over the upcoming decades, and the optimal maintenance of wind farms is crucial. Otherwise, damaged wind power assets may be decommissioned and replaced; the process of which comes with a hefty carbon footprint, as well as considerable financial expenditure.

Historical progress toward 2030, 2040 and 2050 targets for share of wind and solar sources in electricity generation. Source: State of Climate Action 2023

A cost-effective and sustainable solution to this involves the use of polymeric repair composites and high-performance protective coatings to repair and protect key assets in the wind industry. This includes turbine blades, nacelles and generating components, turbine bases, towers and transformers, among other assets.  

Belzona underscores this solution through at an onshore wind farm in Denmark, where 42 wind turbine blades were exhibiting signs of severe erosion on their leading edges. Previously, the customer had used pre-formed shells that were bonded onto the substrate to provide protection. However, this process proved to be time-consuming and expensive.

Damaged wind turbine leading edge. Source: Belzona Inc.

Based on test results, ease of application as well as the high-quality finish that can be achieved, the customer decided to repair and protect the leading edges with a combination of Belzona 5711 and Belzona 5721. The thixotropic paste, Belzona 5711, which is now supplied in a larger unit and robust side-by-side cartridge, is designed to be applied in conjunction with the Belzona 5721 protective coating. This solvent-free LEP system is formulated for the in-situ repair and rebuilding of leading edge erosion and impact damage on wind turbine blades.

“Surface preparation was carried out on each of the 42 blades, followed by the direct application of 90 kilograms of Belzona 5711 from self-mixing cartridges onto the blade. The repair area was then contoured using a piece of Belzona mixing board,” says Morten Sivertsen, general manager at Aesseal Denmark A/S. “Once cured, a visual inspection was conducted to ensure the application’s readiness for overcoating with 144 kilograms of Belzona 5721. Using a short-bristled brush, this system was then applied to the leading edge and left to cure for 30–60 minutes. With three rope access technicians carrying out the applications, on average, 6–9 turbine blades were completed each day.”

As the polymeric systems were applied in-situ without the need for specialist tools or equipment, this ensured a fast and seamless application. This enabled the customer to make considerable financial savings as it mitigated the profit loss associated with downtime.


Leading edge repaired and protected with Belzona 5711 and Belzona 5721. Source | Belzona Inc.

Carbon Fiber 2024
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