New ASTM plastic piping systems standard to aid fluid and gas transport
New standard for crosslinkable polyethylene pipe will enable the transport of aggressive fluids at elevated temperatures across a range of manufacturers and businesses.
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ASTM International’s (West Conshohocken, Pa., U.S.) plastic piping systems committee (F17) announced on May 27 tht it has approved a new standard that will aid in the manufacture of piping systems to transport fluids and gases.
“Entities and companies needing a corrosion-resistant piping system for the transport of aggressive fluids at elevated temperatures will be interested in this new standard,” ASTM member Tom Walsh, Walsh Consulting Services (Glenview, Ill., U.S.), says.
Fluids that would be transported by such piping include water, hydrocarbons, including crude oil and mixed phase fluids; oil field process water; brine; non-potable water; and aggressive chemicals. Gases would include methane and natural gas, among others.
According to Walsh, the new standard (F3378/F3378M) for crosslinkable polyethylene (CX-PE) pipe, will be used by the following:
- Piping manufacturers;
- Oil and gas producers;
- Pipeline operators;
- Engineering design firms;
- Piping distributors;
- Pipeline installers;
- State and federal regulatory agencies;
- Industrial manufacturing companies, including pulp and paper manufacturers;
- Chemical process industry (CPI) manufacturers;
- Municipal utilities for water treatment facilities.
This effort directly relates to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #9 on industry, innovation and infrastructure.
Walsh says that all interested parties are invited to join in the standards development work of ASTM’s plastic piping committee.
“Committee F17 is always interested in the continuous improvement of its existing standards,” Walsh adds. “As these standards are employed, experience and new applications and uses will lead to revisions and improvements. There is also the possible need for installation and commissioning practices to accompany new product specifications.”