
OMAX hosts demo center in Shanghai

OMAX Corp. is featuring its GlobalMAX 1530 and ProtoMAX abrasive waterjets at the AMT Shanghai Technology and Service Center.


OMAX Corp. (Kent, WA, US) a global leader in advanced abrasive waterjet technology, announced May 1 it is featuring its GlobalMAX 1530 and ProtoMAX abrasive waterjets at the AMT Shanghai Technology and Service Center. Hands-on software and machine demonstrations as well as application support will be provided by OMAX personnel at the site allowing customers and prospects to experience first-hand how the OMAX waterjets operate.

The size and complexity of the China market for abrasive waterjets has prompted OMAX and distribution partner SIMENCO to provide complementary sales and application support. While the AMT Center features the GlobalMAX and ProtoMAX, OMAX personnel will also support the OMAX and MAXIEM brands.

“We have a wide portfolio of products to address a variety of industries, budgets and capabilities,” says Steve Ulmer, vice president of international sales for OMAX. “The AMT Technology center will feature products and personnel to support that portfolio.”

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