

Composites industry begins 2022 with a burst of activity

January’s business activity readings remain robust in the face of a reduced labor supply and struggling supply chains.

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Composites Index ends volatile 2021 better off than where it started

The Composites Fabricating Index gives an overarching outlook on the 2021 calendar year and how readings compare to 2020.

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Easing supply chain constraints may open production flow

Inflated supplier delivery readings have made a significant decline in November, pointing to a slow, if not steady, improvement in the supply chain.

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Broad-based industry expansion limited by supply chain conditions

October’s readings reflect significant expansion in export orders, new orders, production, employment activity, backlogs and prices received, with a widening “production deficit.”

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Contracting employment and production activity weigh on composites fabricators

Weak employment activity indicated by September readings compounds production supply chain woes.

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Data signal a pivotal moment for composites industry

Mixed signals from the Composites Fabricating Index suggest that supply chain problems are holding back the industry from greater expansion.

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Slowing industry expansion led by decline of new orders

A slowing July expansion is reflected by new orders, production and backlog readings, the latter of which experienced a 15-point decline, one of the largest single-month declines in recorded history.

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Composites Index sets two all-time highs in three months

Supported by strong business conditions and struggling supply chains, the June Composites Index set a new high reading.

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Composites Index sustains a third month in record territory

Accelerating new orders, backlogs and challenging supply chains propel the index higher for the month of May. 

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Composites index moderates lower after all-time high

Composite fabricators report slowing expansion in new orders, production, with gains made in supplier delivery and employment activity readings.

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Alpha’s Premier ESR®
NewStar Adhesives - Nautical Adhesives
Large Scale Additive Manufacturing
American Elements
HEATCON Composite Systems
TFP is now James Cropper
UV cured powder coatings for carbon fiber
Composites product designs