

Supply and Demand

HPC’s editor-in-chief says its time to answer a perennial question raised at the annual Carbon Fiber Conference: "Has the time come again for the industry to more openly share data about carbon fiber supply and demand?

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The cost equation

Keynote speakers at CompositesWorld Expo 2009 delivered news both sobering and encouraging to those who are trying to predict what the future holds for composites in the postrecession manufacturing economy.

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Fine-tuning the F-35

The composites community looks to be a major partner for the life of the F-35.

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The new carmakers

A host of new carmakers is using composites to build vehicles designed specifically to help us be less oil-dependent.

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Gearing up for the new economic normal

In late July, as my family and I raced home from our vacation along Interstate 80 in northern Nevada, we found ourselves quickly overtaking a large flatbed tractor trailer. Strapped onto the bed and covered with a massive tarp was a very large … something, about 15 ft long and 8 ft in diameter.

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Counseling patience

HPC editor-in-chief Jeff Sloan cautions patience in the wake of the Air France 447 incident.

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Pressure Vessels

Winds of change

It’s not hard, in this down economy, to get excited about the wind energy industry.

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The half-full glass

During a recession — and I’ve only known relatively mild downturns until now — an editor always heads off to a trade show with, at best, some hesitancy and, at worst, gloomy pessimism.

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A season of change

There’s been a lot of change in the last few months: change for the good, change for the worse, inevitable change, transitory change, small change, big change, “Change we can believe in.” Now, there's change at CT.

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Introducing the new HPC

If you’ve been involved in composites design and manufacturing for even a modest period of time, I’ll bet this has happened to you: You have an established composite product or structure that’s been in the market and performing well for a number of years.

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Release agents and process chemical specialties
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HEATCON Composite Systems
Composites product design
NewStar Adhesives - Nautical Adhesives
Composites product designs