
EmbraerX unveils new flying vehicle concept for future urban air mobility

The eVTOL design focuses on user accessibility, low noise and the ability for autonomous flight.


EmbraerX (Fort Lauderdale, Fla., U.S.) recently unveiled a new electric flying vehicle concept with electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) capabilities. The concept, announced during the Uber Elevate Summit 2019 in Washington, D.C., is part of EmbraerX’s multi-project approach to enabling and accelerating the urban mobility ecosystem.

The company emphasizes “smart use of technology” as the priority design driver for the aircraft, including materials usage. The design incorporates an electric, eight-rotor system and a large “universal” cabin built for accessibility.

EmbraerX eVTOL aircraft

Source | EmbraerX

“As a market accelerator committed to developing solutions to transform life’s experiences, we have been combining human-centered design thinking with our 50-year history of building and engineering expertise in a unique manner. These are the factors behind the technical progress and leading-edge innovations we are bringing to this new eVTOL concept,” says Antonio Campello, president and CEO of EmbraerX.

EmbraerX emphasizes a human-centric approach for the eVTOL aircraft, focusing on user experience, safety and accessibility. The concept results from a range of tests and simulations aimed at operational optimization for the urban environment. The company considered high reliability, low operating costs, a lower noise footprint, fully electric power and the ability to become progressively autonomous.

EmbraerX eVTOL aircraft

Source | EmbraerX

"Embraer's team focused on the customer experience with their latest vehicle concept, using built-in redundant systems to achieve optimal safety, while also achieving low noise output with an eight rotor system, which enables span-wise lift. Our team looks forward to continued collaboration with the Embraer team to achieve a quiet, green, and safe, aerial ridesharing vehicle," says Mark Moore, engineering director of aviation at Uber.

Alongside the aircraft, EmbraerX is also developing a new business platform named Beacon, designed to foster collaboration and synchronize aviation services companies and professionals in a streamlined and more agile way.

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