
Structural Composites wins 2018 IBEX Innovation Award

The company’s Advanced Marine Coatings with CoCure Technology has been awarded the 2018 IBEX Innovation Award for Boat Building Materials.


Structural Composites Inc. (W. Melbourne, FL, US) announced Oct. 9 that Advanced Marine Coatings (AMC) with CoCure Technology has won the 2018 IBEX Innovation Award for Boat Building Materials. The entry featured a new US Navy SBIR Phase III - 9M EOD Advanced Combatant Craft that uses the new advanced coating to allow hull flexure without coating failures to help mitigate shock.

In partnership with Interplastic Corp. (St. Paul, MN, US), CoCure AMC is now moving from the commercial transportation market and DOD market into the marine and RV markets. By combining polyurethane technology with polyester technology these new coatings provide user defined crack resistance and greatly enhanced weathering that is not possible with conventional gel coats.

Scott Lewit, president of Structural Composites, says, “Interplastic was able to advance our CoCure invention beyond our expectations.  We loved the ability to ‘strain tune’ and adjust the elongation of the material as needed on a part, but we had no expectation that it would have a doubling in gloss and color retention and a huge improvement in abrasion resistance. Even better, in our technical session at IBEX Interplastic revealed new formulations in testing for the RV market that offer up to three times the weathering performance of today’s polyester gel coats. This is very exciting, as with these advanced coatings we can improve durability and lightweight existing products while simultaneously opening opportunities for composites in new markets all with a low HAP material.”

Harry Certain, Advanced Marine Coatings product manager, says, “The technology is changing the landscape of the composites market, providing better performing products for conventional markets, and opening doors to new ones. The innovative vision Scott and his team at Structural Composites have will impact resin chemistry for years to come. We are proud to be a part of it.” 

Both companies will be displaying the technology at CAMX (Dallas, TX, US) Oct. 16-18. A technical educational session will be held at CAMX. CoCure is featured on the CAMX Award Finalist: The Future of Transportation- US Navy 7M Advanced Combatant Craft.  

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