Part design criteria (2015)
Designers of composite parts can choose from a huge variety of fiber reinforcements and resin systems. That makes knowledge of how those materials work together a critically important aspect of part development. Here's a short description of what that knowledge entails.
Read MoreMulti-material rudder: Trailing-edge parts replaced
TCB Composite (West Haven, UT, US) molds replacment parts that keep legacy US Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II fighter aircraft, affectionately dubbed Warthogs, in the air.
Read MoreNASA looking for new core half the areal weight of honeycomb and foam
Two $550K grants to be awarded for new lightweight cores research. Applications due by Dec. 16, 2014.
Read MoreItalian racer uses foam sandwich design, Scott Bader adhesive
Boatbuilder Anselmo Mauri has manufactured Revolver 42, a polyhedric monohull speedboat, constructed using high-permforance composites, including foam core sandwich design and adhesive provided by Scott Bader.
Read MoreNoise enclosures: Composites damp sound on offshore rig
For offshore oil rig operations, DIAB has led a team that developed a cored sandwich composite alternative to metal sound-damping enclosures at half the weight.
Read MoreNew catamaran benefits from structural adhesives, vacuum infusion
Vacuum infusion, SAN sandwich foam cores and structural adhesives help reduce the weight of Mattia's high-performance catamaran yacht by 2,000 kg.
Read MorePRSEUS preform for pressurized cabin walls
Over the next few years, NASA and The Boeing Co. (Chicago, Ill.) will build larger and more elaborate pressurized passenger cabin structures for future blended-wing airliners.
Read MoreCarrier-capable, all-composite external fuel tank
Legacy product positions builder for a shot at an F-35 contract.
Read MoreOld is new in vacuum bonding honeycomb sandwich
In Care and Repair of Advanced Composites (published by the Warrendale, Pa.-based Society of Automotive Engineers in 1997), Dr.
Read MoreMedical applications: A healthy market
Composites make advances in devices for medical diagnosis and treatments that promote healing and help return patients to active lives.
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