Pressure Vessels


Tooling roundup: New materials, new methods

"Ingenuity" describes new tooling approaches for composites manufacturing.

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High Performance Composites magazine's Editorial page

As I write this, the Olympics are at the halfway mark, the U.S. stock market has edged up just over 10,000, oil prices have dropped to $46 a barrel and the standoff in Iraq is coming to a head. It feels like the whole world is teetering at the edge, and we all have hope in our hearts and have our fingers crossed. If

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A 2004 SAMPE Europe/JEC Composites Show post-show review

Paris Technical Conference marks SAMPE Europe's 25th Anniversary with myriad new developments.

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2004 JEC Composites Show post-show report

Business as usual in Paris? No ... much better, merci!

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User-friendly resins expanding composites' reach

Novel niche formulas enable composites breakthroughs for new market applications, traditional material replacement.

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SAMPE Highlights, UCAVs, Nanocomposites and Wind Energy

Like many of you, the HPC staff is preparing to attend the U.S. SAMPE conference (May 16-20, Long Beach, Calif., U.S.A.) - always a major event that keeps us abreast of the latest aerospace technology as we talk to the engineers involved in the work. For those of you who are planning your agendas for the event, our

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SAMPE Europe/JEC Composites 2004 Show Highlights

It's a Paris premiere for new composite materials and a "new European" composites association.

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Carbon fiber composite driveshaft drives innovative wind turbine

As wind turbine designers try to capture greater energy with each turbine, blade length, size and weight have increased dramatically. Further, blade tip speed is limited by noise ordinances, so very large turbines typically spin at less than 20 rpm. Yet hub rotation is the driver for the generator. For that reason,

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A guide to selection of methacrylate, urethane and epoxy adhesives

A practical examination of the complexities of adhesive selection.

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Carbon/glass hybrids used in composite wind turbine rotor blade design

As turbine blades grow to greater lengths, composite blade manufacturers take a long look at carbon/glass hybrids.

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Coast-Line Intl
Release agents and process chemical specialties
NewStar Adhesives - Nautical Adhesives
Visual of lab with a yellow line
Zund Digital Cutting Performance
Airtech International Inc.