High-Density Urethane (HDU) boards

SAMPE Europe welcomes Tamara Blanco as vice president

Female vice president for 2024-2026 brings extensive background in composite materials, including with her current position as Airbus’ multifunctional composites expert. 


Source | SAMPE Europe LinkedIn

Tamara Blanco, Airbus expert in multifunctional composites, has been chosen as SAMPE Europe vice president for 2024-2026. This appointment means that in 2026-2028, she will become the first-ever female SAMPE Europe president.

Blanco is a chemical engineer by the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), with a Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) master’s degree in polymeric and composite materials. She has 20 years of experience in aeronautical composite materials and processes at Airbus, mainly in the research and technology field. Likewise, she has a large number of publications, conferences and 12 patents (some in application phase), as well as an extensive collaboration network in composites, nationally and internationally.

Since 2019, Blanco has been an Airbus expert in multifunctional composites. Currently, her main focus areas are the research on more sustainable and circular composites, as well as the use of composites for future aircraft based on alternative liquid hydrogen propulsion systems.

In 2020, she was appointed SAMPE Ibérica president and began working more actively within the SAMPE network.

Read “SAMPE North America reveals 2025 leadership team” for related content.

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