Pressure Vessels

The PTC: Symptom of policy uncertainty

The U.S. federal Production Tax Credit (PTC) is set to expire on Dec. 31, 2012, because Congress claims it cannot afford the yearly cost (estimated at $3.5 billion). Here's why Congress is wrong and who's really behind opposition to the PTC.

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WINDPOWER 2012 report

Continued technology-driven performance gains are overshadowed by PTC gloom and predicted Asian overcapacity.

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The evolution of infusion

As resin infusion continues to infiltrate composites, fabricators across the market spectrum drive materials and process developments in pursuit of process control.

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The first commercial Type V composite pressure vessel

Composites Technology Development's first commercial tank in the Type V category presages growth of filament winding in storage of compressed gases.

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Pressure vessel tank types

Pressure vessels have been classified in four categories, based on their construction. Each type has assets and liabilities.

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Competition for carbon fiber in longer blades

Although the use of carbon fiber is increasign in wind turbine blades, high-strength S-glass and basalt fibers, new resins and improved blade designs are also providing blade designers the means to limit blade weight gain as they increase blade swept area.

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Wind turbine blades: Glass vs. carbon fiber

As the wind energy market continues to grow, competition heats up between glass and carbon fiber composites for turbine blades.

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Growth opportunities: Materials innovation will drive composites usage to new heights

Dr. Sanjay Mazumdar of Lucintel (Dallas, Texas) predicts double-digit growth for the composites market in the next five years.

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2012 JEC Europe Highlights

JEC’s annual Paris exhibition reports impressive attendance figures as exhibitors tout big news.

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Pressure Vessels

Ply placement: Largest laser projection system for wind blade manufacture

Following the recent installation of a 16-projector system for an aircraft fuselage application, Assembly Guidance Systems Inc. (Chelmsford, Mass.) recently delivered what it says is the largest unified laser-projection system of its kind, for wind turbine blade fabrication.

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Coast-Line Intl
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Composites in New Space Applications
TFP is now James Cropper
Airtech International Inc.