
Natural Fibers

Graphene: Ready for prime time?

Advanced materials analyst Ross Kozarsky (Lux Research, Boston, Mass.) evaluates the commercial readiness of graphene-based nanomaterial reinforcements for the composites industry.

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Near commercialization: CNT yarn, tape and sheet

Michael R. LeGault reports on progress toward first commercialization of carbon nanotube yarn-, tape- and sheet-type reinforcements for composites.

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2011 International Paris Air Show

At the 49th event, records are set for attendance and aircraft orders, and airframers go on record about composites-related developments.

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Small wind gets big

Massive growth, complex blade designs reopen challenging market in wind energy niche.

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Nanotechnology: It's real

CompositesWorld's conference director Scott Stephenson reviews several recent conference presentations as evidence that nanocomposites are no longer just the stuff of dreams.

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Nanotechnology: Into the realm of real

Fast, scalable process grows nanostructures directly on composite reinforcements for a “drop-in” use in volume production processes.

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CNTs ride a rising tide of nanotech optimism

Dr. Louis Pilato offers facts, figures and comment on the growing utility of carbon nanotechnologies in composites applications.

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The key to CNTs: Functionalization

An emerging supply base is integrating carbon nanotubes into commercial products that enable composites manufacturers to optimize part performance.

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Natural Fibers

Researchers nano-enhance natural fiber

Mississippi State University uses nanoparticle impregnation to improve the performance of kenaf fiber in composites.

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Microspheres: Fillers filled with possibilities

For composite applications, these hollow microstructures displace a lot of volume at low weight and add an abundance of processing and product enhancements.

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TFP is now James Cropper
American Elements
NewStar Adhesives - Nautical Adhesives
HEATCON Composite Systems
Alpha’s Premier ESR®
Composites in New Space Applications
UV cured powder coatings for carbon fiber