CW Blog


Multimaterialism is back in the Audi A8

Audi shares details about the use of carbon fiber composites, steel, aluminum and magnesium in the Audi Space Frame (ASF) for the next-generation A8.

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Hybrid carbon fiber/aluminum suspension knuckle

Yields 26% greater stiffness via bonded prepreg patch.

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Gardner Business Index at 55.3 in February

Business expectations soar as the US composites industry posts growth in every geographical area.

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Best practices for V-notched shear testing of composites

In my October 2015 column, I wrote an overview of the widely used V-notched shear test methods for composite materials. In this column, we focus on some additional best practices when performing V-notched shear testing of fiber-reinforced composites.

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Composites: Hiding in plain sight

We need a collective public relations campaign to create more awareness of composites’ benefits.

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Current state of the M&A and capital markets – sell, sell, SELL!!

Current market conditions suggest that 2017 should see sustained M&A activity, despite the 2016 reduction.

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Key takeaways from JEC World 2017

A quick read of the composites tea leaves after JEC World 2017.

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Final sights, sounds from JEC World 2017

A final blast of video and sound from JEC World 2017, provided by CompositesWorld's editors.


Another opportunity to meet, and learn, in Paris

At the JEC World 2017, improvements in materials and processes were present at nearly every stand, with the emphasis on automotive-capable production speeds.

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JEC 2017 – Aiming for Industrialization

The exhibit floor in Paris reflected composites’ move toward high-rate and high-volume production.


InFactory Solutions with Airbus

Airbus spin-off supplying Industry 4.0 systems for composites completes first qualification and discusses future developments for defect position visualization.

Pressure Vessels

JEC World 2017: Show report, part 1

JEC World 2017 was, by almost any measure, the biggest and busiest JEC event yet, and exhibitors came with much to show the world of composites about innovation in materials, equipment and technology.

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