High-Density Urethane (HDU) boards

Airbus recognizes FACC with SQIP Supplier Award

FACC honored for sustainable advancements in the fields of production management and process management, as well as in terms of product development and quality standards.


FACC (Ried im Innkreis, Austria) announced April 26 that Airbus (Toulouse, France) has honored the international technology group with the SQIP (Supply Chain & Quality Improvement Program) Supplier Award for achievements as an aerostructures supplier. In the course of a gala in Toulouse, France, FACC received the Best Improver Award from Airbus. 

FACC has implemented sustainable advancements in the fields of production management and process management, as well as in terms of product development and quality standards.

“Quality is our customer promise. Keeping it is paramount for FACC. This award emphasizes how much Airbus appreciates us as a reliable technology partner. This makes us very happy,” says Andreas Ockel, COO of FACC.

“This award is both recognition and motivation, prompting us to sustainably continue down the path we are already on. We focus on innovation and premium quality, which is appreciated and acknowledged by our customers,” says Robert Machtlinger, CEO of FACC. 

The SQUIP program was created by Airbus to ensure a stable, top-quality production system across the process chain and beyond the group and the supply chain.

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