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Center for Composite Materials calls for Medal of Excellence nominations

The call for nominations is open until March 31, 2019, and the winner will be awarded at the American Society for Composites Technical Conference held in September.


Nominations for the 2019 Medal of Excellence in Composite Materials are now open through March 31, 2019.

The award, presented through the Center for Composite Materials at the University of Delaware (CCM, Newark, Del., U.S.), is said to recognize pioneers and innovators in composite materials who have made significant contributions to the composites field through leadership, scholarly endeavors, inventions and/or economic enterprises over a sustained period of years. This award celebrates excellence through visionary impact, novel theories, discovery of patented processes and/or exceptional publications.

Potential nominees should visit the Medal of Excellence webpage to learn more about the process of submitting the application.

The medal will be awarded at the American Society for Composites 34th Annual Technical Conference, to be held Sept. 23-25, 2019 at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, Ga., U.S.).

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