Pressure Vessels

Carbon fiber market: Cautious optimism

As the recession recedes, the demand for carbon fiber, and the supply to meet it, will exceed prerecession expectations.

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Blade manufacturers expand to meet demand

Unprecedented growth in the wind energy market has necessitated a significant need for the manufacture of rotor blades, particularly in locales near developing wind farms.

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Pressure Vessels

Paris 2011: JEC Composites/Sampe Europe preview

JEC’s industry-leading trade exhibition and SAMPE Europe’s International Conference pair up, again, in Paris.

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Supply and demand, redux

HPC editor-in-chief Jeff Sloan says carbon fiber producers and users need to re-associate.

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Life Cycle Assessment: Are composites "green"?

Methods for calculating the impact composites have on the environment enable data-driven comparisons to traditional materials on a level playing field.

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IBEX 2010: Looking up in Louisville

A new location helps regenerate a recession-battered industry, drawing in more exhibitors and attendees than in 2009.

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High-Performance Resins 2010 Highlights

Inaugural conference for the advanced resins research crowd updates formulators and processors on the latest developments.

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Marine composites: A new dawn?

Boatbuilders fared worse than automakers during the recent recessionary storm. As the dark clouds dispel, there is some light on the horizon.

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Pressure Vessels

Politics and subsidies

Composite Technology's editor-in-chief Jeff Sloan considers the implications for the U.S. composites industry of political calls to end the Production Tax Credit and Investment Tax Credit for wind energy and other sustainable forms of energy production.

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Wave-energy conversion

Although wave-energy converters (WECs) lag a few years behind tidal energy systems in terms of commercial viability, there is a lot of action on the development front.

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Coast-Line Intl
Composites in New Space Applications
An ad for Formnext Chicago on April 8-10, 2025.
UV cured powder coatings for carbon fiber
Large Scale Additive Manufacturing
TFP is now James Cropper
American Elements
Airtech International Inc.