Pressure Vessels


Composites tap tide energy

Composites-enabled tidal stream energy projects lead the way as new forms of hydrokinetic power generation move toward commercialization.

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Facing the military drawdown

HPC editor-in-chief Jeff Sloan comments on the impact that military drawdowns in the Middle East might have on the U.S. composites industry.

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Pressure Vessels

A decade of research

Building composite wind turbine towers is not a new idea. For more than a decade, government- and industry-funded projects have explored the possibility of a utility-scale composite tower.

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Blades? Yes! Towers ... maybe

Although steel dominates the utility-scale wind turbine tower market, height increases, on- and offshore, are shifting the wind toward composites.

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The green challenge

Hugo Giffard, engineer and continuous improvement manager at LM Wind Power (Canada) Inc. (Gaspé, Quebec, Canada) discusses the need for recycling partners in his company's efforts to deal responsibly with waste glass-fiber reinforcements.

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The state of education in the composites trade, part II

Andre Cocquyt (GRPguru.comm, Brunswick, Maine) continues his call for a unified national composites education standard, and suggests a practical way forward toward that goal.

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Gauging the green demand

Composites Technology's editor-in-chief Jeff Sloan suggests a green bottom-line proposition: if your customers demand products that allow them to minimize their effect on the environment, then it behooves you to develop such products.

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Third-party tests support claims for crosslinking spray adhesive

Aerospace manufacturers that adopt vacuum infusion processes are discovering what processors of boat hulls and wind turbine blades already know: Placement of multiple plies of slippery dry fiber reinforcements in molds with vertical sides or tight radii is problematic.

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SAMPE 2010 Seattle Showcase

SAMPE’s first-ever foray into Boeing Country wrapped up with the M&P organization’s biggest draw this decade.

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Pressure Vessels

Awaiting the next Black Swan

HPC editor-in-chief Jeff Sloan posts a rare recommendation for a recent book about rare events that rarely meet our expectations.

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Coast-Line Intl
Composites in New Space Applications
NewStar Adhesives - Nautical Adhesives
Release agents and process chemical specialties
An ad for Formnext Chicago on April 8-10, 2025.
Airtech International Inc.