

CW Plant Tour: Aeris Energy, Caucaia, Brazil

This young, up-and-coming wind blade manufacturer was founded to serve the Brazilian wind energy market, but it’s poised to do much more.

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Automating NDT for CFRP aerostructures

Robotic laser shearography enables 100% inspection of complex, flight-critical composite structures.

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Recyclable epoxy proven in HP-RTM

Recyclamine hardener performs well in global processing trials and cradle-to-cradle recycling demo.

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Reversibly crosslinking thermoset-thermoplastic hybrid polymers

Evonik’s new system delivers crosslinked performance of epoxies below 100°C, processing benefits of thermoplastics above 170°C.

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Redesigned bonded fasteners enable RTM railway cabinets

Adhesion Technologies Ltd. (ATL, Hampshire, UK) has developed a range of in-mold bonded fasteners, which reduce build time by eliminating the need for hole-drilling.

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Carbon Fibers

SPE Automotive Division names winners of automotive awards competition

In the Aftermarket category, the winner was the carbon fiber composite spoiler on the 2016 Chevrolet Corvette sports cars.

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Must-read: BMW 7 Series plant tour in Dingolfing, Germany

CW’s Ginger Gardiner toured the 7 series plant for a look at how 16 CFRP parts, each made by one of four technologies, are combined with aluminum and steel components to form what BMW engineers have dubbed the Carbon Core.

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Innovation: Moving faster than ever

The rate of composites innovation is higher than I’ve ever seen, and the implications are significant.

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Composite repair: Lessons learned, challenges and opportunities, Part II

In Part II, guest columnist Lou Dorworth says the wind and auto industries can learn much from the aerospace industry in this composites repair commentary.

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SPE names finalists for 45th-annual automotive innovation awards competition

Category and Grand Award winners selected during the Blue Ribbon judging round will be announced on Nov. 9, 2016 during the 46th SPE Automotive Innovation Awards Gala.

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Wickert Hydraulic Presses
Ad showing Janicki CNC Mill machining part in tool
Composites One
pro-set fire retardant epoxies. find a distributor
Airplane in the air with Collins Aerospace Logo
UV Cured Powder Coating from Keyland Polymer
Compression Molding
Composites One