Hi-Temp Resins


Ceramic-matrix composites heat up

Lightweight, hard and stable at high temperatures, CMCs are emerging from two decades of study and development into commercial applications.

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U.S. crew and cargo candidate takes shape with composites

Crew-capable Dream Chaser to enable ISS transport missions from U.S.

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High-temp thermoplastics: Higher Expectations

As the drive to greater fuel efficiency under the hood catches fire, fiber-reinforced thermoplastics prove they can take the heat.

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A new "tunable" polyurethane could revolutionize composites

A novel polyurethane-based resin system with tailorable pot life and cure, from Huntsman Polyurethanes (Auburn Hills, Mich. and Everberg, Belgium) now permits composites manufacturers to tailor resin pot life and onset of cure to fit the processing requirements.

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Composites enable new advances in engine technology

CompositesWorld's conference director Scott Stephenson recalls a presentation at the recent Carbon Fiber 2010 conference (Dec. 7-9, La Jolla, Calif.) by Doug Ward of GE Aviation (Cincinnati, Ohio) on design trends in commercial jet engines that favor the use of composites.

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High-Performance Resins 2010 Highlights

Inaugural conference for the advanced resins research crowd updates formulators and processors on the latest developments.

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Resins for the Hot Zone, Part II: BMIs, CEs, benzoxazines and phthalonitriles

Next-generation aerospace programs demand higher temperatures for structural and hot-section components, fostering advances in thermoset resin chemistry.

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Resins for the Hot Zone, Part I: Polyimides

 As next-generation aerospace programs demand higher service temperatures in structural and hot section components, a variety of polyimides vie for program approval.

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Composite engine valves?

 HPC technical editor Sara Black reports progress on CFRP intake and exhaust valves for race car engines.

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Boeing 787 Update

Approaching rollout and first flight, the 787 relies on innovations in composite materials and processes to hit its targets

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Harper International Carbon Fiber
Composites One
Renegade Material Composites
Custom Quantity Composite Repair Materials
Toray Advanced Composites hi-temperature materials
Composites in New Space Applications
Alpha’s Premier ESR®
Ready-to-Ship Composites