Out of Autoclave


3-D preforms: Fast, efficient blade-root manufacture

To expedite the blade root manufacturing process for wind turbine blade manufacturers, 3TEX Inc. (Cary, N.C.) has developed RapidRoot, a 3-D preform.

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Heavy-duty infusion: Scaling up for scrubbers

Infused 3-D woven fabric preforms best steel in beams and unitized deck structures built for the caustic confines of massive flue gas desulfurization systems.

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Q&A: Manuel Torres Martinez

At the 2011 JEC Composites Show in Paris, CT had the opportunity to interview MTorres Group chairman Manuel Torres Martinez, excerpts from which appear here.

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Training surge: Too little, too late?

Hands-on programs are aimed at younger students by educators hoping to prevent shortages of composites technicians and engineers.

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Wind blade manufacture: Opportunities and limits

At CompositesWorld's 2011 Wind & Ocean Energy Seminar, held April 13-14 in Portland, Maine, Stephen Nolet, principal engineer/director of innovation at TPI Composites Inc. (Scottsdale, Ariz.) briefed the audience on TPI’s view of blade design and manufacture.

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A new "tunable" polyurethane could revolutionize composites

A novel polyurethane-based resin system with tailorable pot life and cure, from Huntsman Polyurethanes (Auburn Hills, Mich. and Everberg, Belgium) now permits composites manufacturers to tailor resin pot life and onset of cure to fit the processing requirements.

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SAMPE 2011 at a Glance

This article is a sidebar to the main story on SAMPE's 2011 Convention and Exhibition, which will be held in Long Beach, Calif., May 23-26. To read the main article, click on "SAMPE 2011 ....." under "Editor's Picks" at right.

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Thermoplastic composites: Primary structure?

Yes, advanced forms are in development, but has the technology progressed enough to make the business case?

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TPCs on the Boeing 787 and Airbus A350

Although The Boeing Co.’s (Seattle, Wash.) 787 Dreamliner and the Airbus (Toulouse, France) A350 XWB have earned much press as showcases for thermoset composites in aircraft structure, both programs also have advanced the use of thermoplastic composites.

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Microwave: An alternative to the autoclave?

Aerospace composites manufacturer GKN evaluates microwave oven practicality and cost-effectiveness.

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U.S. Polychemical Acrastrip
custom hydraulic press
Toray Advanced Composites hi-temperature materials
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Adhesives for Composite Materials
industrial laser projection
Kent Pultrusion