CW Blog
Simulation simplifies fabrication of all-composite crew module
Specialized simulation software shortens development cycle on first all-composite crew module demonstrator for NASA space program.
Read MoreEvolutionary timeline for FCVs
When will fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) be sold at production levels? Ultimately, many factors will affect that timeline, including fuel efficiency standards, the price of gasoline, commitment by automakers to produce them at affordable rates, and government funding for additional R&D.
Read MoreThe new carmakers
A host of new carmakers is using composites to build vehicles designed specifically to help us be less oil-dependent.
Read MoreComposites fuel growth of fuel cell technology
Composite components in hydrogen fuel cell systems help handle higher heat and reduce stack size.
Read MoreOcean-going catamarans: Making speed on composite hulls
This yacht is one of 13 composite yachts from sailboat builder Gunboat (Cape Town, South Africa) able to comfortably travel 300 nautical miles (345 miles/556 km) per day with a minimal crew.
Read MoreThermoplastic tubulars: Robust flexibility for offshore wells
In the oil and gas industry, a fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composite pipe (TCP) system from Airborne Composite Tubulars (The Hague, The Netherlands) is providing a less-expensive alternative to the traditional “rig” for flushing subsea wellhead stacks and injecting glycol under pressure.
Read MoreOn the waterfront: Composite marine piles build on success
Composite sheet pile competes against heavy-gauge steel while composite round piles enhance their position in the market and target wider acceptance in structural applications.
Read MoreIBEX 2009 Show Preview
As they weather the continuing recessionary storm, boatbuilders will dock in Miami to chart a course for the opportunities that await them in the storm’s wake.
Read MoreMixed-mode fracture toughness of composites
During the 1970s, fracture toughness testing of composite materials developed a very poor reputation, primarily due to failed attempts to directly adopt metals theory and corresponding test methods. However, the basic principles of fracture mechanics remained valid.
Read MoreGearing up for the new economic normal
In late July, as my family and I raced home from our vacation along Interstate 80 in northern Nevada, we found ourselves quickly overtaking a large flatbed tractor trailer. Strapped onto the bed and covered with a massive tarp was a very large … something, about 15 ft long and 8 ft in diameter.
Read MoreResins for the Hot Zone, Part II: BMIs, CEs, benzoxazines and phthalonitriles
Next-generation aerospace programs demand higher temperatures for structural and hot-section components, fostering advances in thermoset resin chemistry.
Read MoreWashington played a big role in Detroit's decline
Benign neglect. That’s a generous way of describing the American government’s 50-plus years of indifference and hostility toward our domestic automakers.
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