Henkel Corp.
32100 Stephenson Hwy.
Madison Heights, MI 48071 US
866.332.7024 | 248-583-9300
About Henkel Corp.
Henkel is the leader in adhesives, sealants and functional coatings. With over 50 years of expertise under our wings and listed in over 5,000 aerospace specifications, we are ready to create sustainable value from the beginning to end.
Video Gallery
Henkel solutions for intelligent cockpit
The whole version of intelligent cockpit video: https://youtu.be/tFr--NTL2CE For further information about Henkel solutions for ...
Henkel solutions for intelligent cockpit
The intelligent cockpit is rapidly evolving domain in modern cars. Henkel materials are used in multiple applications to actualize a ...
Sonderhoff AQA Process with Vision Control
Animation of AQA process animation for display bonding with LOCTITE MS 650 using a Sonderhoff dosing machine and vision ...
Sonderhoff Dynamic Speed
Always dosing at maximum application speed to increase your productivity Up to now, the speed of the dispensing application for ...