Design and Testing

Buckling of composite material compression specimens

Dr. Donald F. Adams (Wyoming Test Fixtures, Salt Lake City, Utah) rehearses the causes of, and solutions for, problems with buckling in composite compression specimens.

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The Short Beam Shear test method for composite materials

Dr. Donald F. Adams (Wyoming Test Fixtures (Salt Lake City, Utah) suggests larger support and loading cylinders for the Short Beam Shear test method.

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The Double-Notch Shear test specimen for composite materials

Dr. Donald F. Adams (Wyoming Test Fixtures Inc., Salt Lake City, Utah) recommends best practices for double-notch shear test specimens.

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Thickness-tapered unidirectional composite specimens

Sometimes a testing concept is known for a long time but is never developed into an established test method.

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Flexural test method standards for composite materials

Dr. Donald F. Adams (Wyoming Test Fixtures Inc., Salt Lake City, Utah) proposes a common-sense standard method for flexural testing of composite materials.

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Flexural testing of composite materials

Dr. Donald F. Adams (Wyoming Test Fixtures (Salt Lake City, Utah) takes look at flexural testing and promises recommendations, next time, for a unified standard.

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Composites testing at elevated temperature and moisture content

Dr. Donald F. Adams (Wyoming Test Fixtures Inc., Salt Lake City, Utah) notes the renewed interest in testing composites under hygrothermal conditions.

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Impact testing of composite materials

Dr. Donald F. Adams (Wyoming Test Fixtures (Salt Lake City, Utah) discusses the methods for impact testing of composites.

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Testing the damage tolerance of composite materials

Dr. Donald F. Adams (Wyoming Test Fixtures, Salt Lake City, Utah) looks at standards and also-rans in the area of testing for damage tolerance.

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Material deformation and recovery test methods

Dr. Donald F. Adams (Wyoming Test Fixtures Inc., Salt Lake City, Utah) reviews ways and means to quantify composite material deformation and recovery.

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Release agents and process chemical specialties
Visual of lab with a yellow line
UV cured powder coatings for carbon fiber
TFP is now James Cropper
NewStar Adhesives - Nautical Adhesives
HEATCON Composite Systems
Large Scale Additive Manufacturing