Design and Testing


Block shear strength of adhesive bonds

Dr. Don Adams describes two methods (ASTM D 905 and ASTM D 4501) for loading adhesive bonds in direct shear while minimizing undesirable peel and through-thickness tensile stresses.

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Additional grip types for tensile test specimens

Dr. Don Adams follows up a previous discussion of wedge grips for testing tensile specimens with a sampling of other grip types.

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Shear test methods: Iosipescu vs. V-Notched Rail

Dr. Don Adams asks and suggests a likely answer to the question Which shear test method is best?

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A comparison of shear test methods

Dr. Don Adams compares the shear test methods that are currently available to the composite industry.

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V-Notch Rail Shear test (ASTM D 7078-05)

Dr. Don Adams introduces HPC readers to the The V-Notched Rail shear test method, approved as ASTM Standard D 7078-05 by ASTM Committee D-30 in March of 2005.

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Direct measurement of laminate through-thickness tensile strength

Although there are indirect methods for determining the through-thickness tensile strength of a solid laminate direct loading can be achieved, using ASTM test methods.

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Mixed-mode fracture toughness of composites

During the 1970s, fracture toughness testing of composite materials developed a very poor reputation, primarily due to failed attempts to directly adopt metals theory and corresponding test methods. However, the basic principles of fracture mechanics remained valid.

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Compression platens and subpresses

 Dr. Don Adams discusses the use of compression platens (fixed and spherical seat) and subpresses to ensure reliable test frame operation.

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Neat resin specimen fabrication aids

To obtain quality experimental data, one must have access to quality test specimens.

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Fastener pull-through strength test method

Mechanical fasteners have been used to join wood and metal plates for hundreds of years.

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TFP is now James Cropper
Composites product design
American Elements
NewStar Adhesives - Nautical Adhesives
Release agents and process chemical specialties
Alpha’s Premier ESR®
HEATCON Composite Systems
Airtech International Inc.