Design and Testing

The Single Cantilever Beam test for sandwich composites

After several years of research and development, the Single Cantilever Beam test method is in the process of standardization within ASTM's Committee D30 on Composites.

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Estimating composite properties using data from similar materials

CW columnist Dan Adams explores methods for estimating composite mechanical properties using similar materials.

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Out of Autoclave

The challenge of identifying test procedures for recycled carbon fiber composites

With growing use of recycled carbon fiber composites, the identification of mechanical testing procedures for rCF becomes increasingly important … and challenging.

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Strain measurement in composites testing

Columnist Dan Adams explores the most important considerations and most common methods for strain measurement.

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Mechanical testing of textile composites

Standardized mechanical testing methods abound, but they often focus on composites with unidirectional layers. Here are some modifications to common test methods for testing textile composites.

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Measuring thermoplastic prepreg tape quality for part process control

Low-cost tests measuring dimensions, thermal behavior and consolidation predict CFRTP part quality.

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Environmental testing of composites

Additional testing of polymer matrix composites (PMCs) is often performed in alternate environmental conditions to determine properties related to temperature and moisture sensitivity.

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Design engineering of tailored preforms

Tailored preforming has opened new doors in composites fabrication, but designing for it requires tools that understand and work with this complex process.

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Composite material testing: How do I know if my measured composite properties are correct, or even reasonable?

CW columnist Dan Adams explores methods for determining correctness of measured mechanical properties for fiber-reinforced composites.

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Glass transition temperature testing of composites

The glass transition temperature of polymer matrix composites (PMCs) is determined by a series of tests at increasing temperatures.

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Large Scale Additive Manufacturing
Zund Digital Cutting Performance
Alpha’s Premier ESR®
American Elements
Visual of lab with a yellow line
UV cured powder coatings for carbon fiber
Composites product designs