Design and Testing

Notched testing of sandwich composites: The sandwich open-hole compression test

A new ASTM-standardized open-hole compression test method seeks to determine the notch sensitivity of sandwich composites. 

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Material equivalence testing in shared composites databases

In response to traditionally proprietary polymer matrix composites (PMC) qualifications, NCAMP continues its efforts to make material property databases publicly available.

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Glass-coated magnetic microwires for nondestructive composites monitoring

Glass-coated, amorphous microwires combine nanometer to micrometer diameters, enabling embedding into composites without degrading mechanical properties.  

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Composite prepreg tack testing

A recently standardized prepreg tack test method has been developed for use in material selection, quality control and adjusting cure process parameters for automated layup processes.

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Improving analyses of composite pressure vessels

Accurate geometry modeling and equivalent material property approximations captured by WoundSim will play a role in improving COPV analyses.

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Determining the equivalency of composite test methods

While time consuming and somewhat subjective, the comparative assessment approach has been proven effective toward assessing composites test method equivalence.

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Composites testing as part of a building block approach, Part 2: Upper building block levels

Testing under the upper levels of the building block approach for composites design depends on the structure’s application and complexity.

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Model-driven design and analysis for sustainable lightweight design

Fraunhofer IGCV uses graph-based design language for fast creation of design variants and simultaneous evaluation of ecological and economic performance along the entire life cycle.

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Using machine learning to accelerate composites processing simulation

A speed gain of 1,000 to 10,000 times greater than traditional FE models has been achieved using machine learning models, enabling near real-time simulation for large composite components.

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Composites testing as part of a building block approach, Part 1: Coupon-level testing

The building block materials testing approach is a step-by-step process that serves as a framework for designing composite structures while also reducing risk and cost.

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Release agents and process chemical specialties
UV cured powder coatings for carbon fiber
Composites product design
American Elements
Large Scale Additive Manufacturing
TFP is now James Cropper